The Town of Clinton relies upon volunteers to contribute to the betterment of our community by serving on Boards and Commissions. Some are elected and some are appointed. All boards aim to represent the values of Democrats, Republicans, and Unaffiliated voters. We encourage you to let us know if you have expertise in, or passion for in serving on any boards now or in the future. Please contact us at
Town Council
The Town Council shall direct and supervise the affairs of the Town and shall be responsible for coordinating the activities of the officers, departments, boards, commissions and agents of the Town. The Council shall adopt such rules and regulations as are necessary for the conduct of the affairs of the officers, departments, boards, commissions, and agencies of the Town. The Council shall hold at least one joint meeting, one of which shall be held during the month of January of each year, with all officers, departments, boards, commissions, agencies and authorities to coordinate the planning and activities of Town functions and responsibilities.
Board of Education
The mission of the Clinton Public Schools is to educate our students. A learning environment will be provided which will support and encourage students to acquire knowledge and develop the skills necessary to become productive, contributing, and respectful members of a diverse society. Participation in the Clinton Public Schools will enable students to become lifelong learners with an understanding that their futures can hold opportunities which are infinite.
Board of Police Commissioners
Appointments shall be made by the Board of Selectmen or the First Selectman, as may be required by the General Statutes, as amended. Administrative Officers shall possess, upon appointment; such qualifications as may be required by law or by the Board of Selectmen. The Board shall organize, maintain and have the general management and control of the Police Department, its apparatus, equipment and buildings. Said Board, upon the recommendation of the Chief, shall: requisition all equipment; annually prepare a budget; make all rules and regulations governing the Department which it deems necessary; appoint, remove, suspend, or discipline, and prescribe the duties of police officers, except that the Chief shall have the power to suspend a police officer up to 30 days with or without pay, provided such suspension shall be reviewed by the Board. The Police Chief shall hold a preliminary hearing within a twenty-four-hour period of time of the suspension or removal from duty.
Board of Assessment Appeals
The Board of Assessment Appeals for the Town of Clinton meets in March to hear appeals on Real Estate, Personal Property and Supplemental Motor Vehicles, and in September to hear Motor Vehicle appeals only. Any persons claiming to be aggrieved by the doings of the Assessor in the Town of Clinton wishing such a hearing MUST MAKE A WRITTEN APPLICATION to the Board of Assessment Appeals in February for the March hearing, and call the Assessor’s office in August in regards to the September hearings.
Planning and Zoning Commission
The role of the Planning and Zoning Commission is to ensure that changes in the Town of Clinton are in harmony with the heritage of our town and the outlook for the future. We do this by coordinating the long term planning for the town and then developing regulations that support these decisions. Most importantly, we depend on input from the community, both individuals and groups, to develop the plans and regulations for the town
Zoning Board of Appeals
Provide an advisory group that will evaluate applications that are required to go before the Planning and Zoning Commission or Zoning Board of Appeals from an architectural and aesthetic perspective, which involve site, building and sign development or redevelopment and construction, with the goal of preserving the quality of our heritage and environment. Work with owners, builders and developers to foster the improvement
of the Town’s appearance seeking to avoid both excessive uniformity and excessive variety in architectural styles and, instead, strive to promote harmony between the various elements and surroundings in order to preserve and enhance property values;
Bike and Pedestrian Alliance Committee
Recognizing the integral role of functional exercise in public health and environmental sustainability, BPAC is committed to promoting safe active transportation options through the five E’s, as defined by the League of American Bicyclists
Board of Cable TV Advisory
represents the subscribers to Cable Television in the towns of Chester, Clinton, Deep River, Durham, Essex, Haddam, Killingworth, Old Saybrook and Westbrook.
Conservation Commission
The Commission shall be vested with all powers authorized by the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Act of the State of Connecticut, as amended, and in particular shall promulgate such regulations, in conformity with the regulations promulgated by the Commissioner of Environmental Protection of the State of Connecticut, as are necessary to protect the inland wetlands and watercourses within the territorial limits of the Town of Clinton. The Commission shall provide through regulation the manner in which the boundaries of inland wetland areas and watercourses in the Town of Clinton shall be established, amended, or changed and shall follow the procedures as set forth in the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Act of the State of Connecticut. Such regulations shall specifically provide for an enforcement officer and shall require coordination with other Town commissions regulating conservation and planning.
Board of Design Review
Provide an advisory group that will evaluate applications that are required to go before the Planning and Zoning Commission or Zoning Board of Appeals from an architectural and aesthetic perspective, which involve site, building and sign development or redevelopment and construction, with the goal of preserving the quality of our heritage and environment.
Economic Development Committee
serve as an advocate for local businesses and work to preserve an adequate balance between business and residential properties.
Board of Ethics
Public office is a public trust. The trust of the public is essential for government to function effectively. In recognition of these principles, herewith is established a Code of Ethics for all Town officials, officers and employees. The purpose of this code is to establish suitable ethical standards for all such officials, officers and employees by prohibiting acts not in the best interests of the Town of Clinton.
Fair Rent Commission
Fair Rent Commission handles landlord/tenant disputes over rent prices and other related issues
Fish and Game Constables
There are four Constables associated with the Treasurer; Special Shellfish Constables may be appointed in conjunction with the work of the Shellfish Commission; Special Constables may be appointed by the Board of Selectmen.
Harbor Management Commission
The Town of Clinton wishes to protect its marine historic resources and sensitive natural resource areas found along its harbor and in near-shore coastal waters; to provide greater opportunities for water-based recreational activities; to maintain and enhance navigational facilities for the benefit of all harbor users; and to allocate land and water resources in an economically and environmentally sound manner.
Historic District Commission
Purpose. To promote the educational, cultural, economic and general welfare and to preserve the historic and architectural character of certain areas of the Town through the preservation and protection of buildings and places of historic interest, by the maintenance of such as landmarks in the history of architecture and of the Town, the state, and the nation, and through the development of appropriate settings for such buildings, there is hereby established an historic district in the Town, to be known as “Liberty Green Historic District.” The boundaries of the historic district are shown on a map incorporated herein by reference and titled “Liberty Green Historic District.”
Housing Authority
This is the local entity charged with finding and supporting affordable housing within Clinton.
Board Of Clinton Human Services
The Social Service Department provides services to all town residents in need of assistance for a variety of reasons – single men and women, families, elderly, disabled, veterans, homeless, students.
Inland Wetlands Committee
The Commission shall be vested with all powers authorized by the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Act of the State of Connecticut, as amended, and in particular shall promulgate such regulations, in conformity with the regulations promulgated by the Commissioner of Environmental Protection of the State of Connecticut, as are necessary to protect the inland wetlands and watercourses within the territorial limits of the Town of Clinton.
Park and Recreation
This busy town department, located in the Indian River Recreation Complex on Route 81, runs the many sports and fitness programs for kids and adults in town. Director and staff manage the activities and operation of the town beach and run an annual and popular Family Day at the beach every July. The department boasts many well-tended sports fields for baseball, soccer and other sports. Look to its website for seasonal activities including many sports such as basketball, tennis, martial arts and other activities.
Public Works Commission
The Department of Public Works provides a number of services to the Town. It is the mission of the Department to provide these services to help maintain and enhance the quality of life for are residents. These include roads, sidewalks Schools and Municipal buildings
Shellfish Commission
The Shellfish Commission shall be charged with the duty and purpose of managing and being in charge of all of the shellfisheries and shellfish grounds lying within the Town of Clinton not granted to others and not under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Agriculture, including all rivers, inland waters and flats adjacent to all beaches and waters within the limits and bounds of the municipality of the Town of Clinton.
Town Tree Committee
There shall be a Tree Committee which shall be composed of no fewer than two nor more than eight members appointed for a term of two years by the Board of Selectmen. The requirements and duties of these members shall be:
To have working knowledge of the habitat, planting, growth, care and placing of trees. To develop and maintain a working relationship with the Town Tree Warden. To assist the Tree Warden in assuring appropriate trees are planted in properly designated locations. To help develop and maintain a Town tree inventory. To work to educate the residents of Clinton on the importance of the urban forest. To raise funds for tree planting as deemed necessary. To coordinate and direct the work of any volunteers who wish to contribute their time.
Local Veterans Advisory Board The Local Veteran’s Advisory Committee shall consist of three members and one alternate member, each of whom shall serve a two-year term. All members shall be veterans.
Water Pollution Control Commission
The Commission shall prepare and periodically update a water pollution control plan for the Town of Clinton in the manner provided by C.G.S. § 7-246. Such periodic updating shall be accomplished not less frequently than every five years after the completion of the initial plan, and in addition to the filing requirements of said statute the Commission shall file a copy of said plan and any periodic update with the Town Clerk.