We represent the registered Democrats of Clinton, CT. We welcome you to work with us to promote our shared principles.
All of our Democratic Town Committee meetings and all of our Democratic events are open to the public. We hope you will work together with us to support Democratic principles to elect our Democratic candidates and help us keep Clinton a great place to live and work.
Our meetings are held on the second Thursday of every month at 6:30 PM in the Rose Room of Clinton’s Town Hall (54 East Main Street in Clinton).
Our Platform:
WE will always strive to operate in the best interest of the people of Clinton.
WE insist upon good government, transparency and ethical responsibility. Conflict of interest is unacceptable.
WE will encourage and respect diverse public opinion and civil discourse which is critical to community building and democracy.
WE believe in social equality. We support the principle that all people have equal rights such as: healthcare, education, jobs, housing. We recognize the civic responsibility of protecting our most vulnerable.
WE believe in economic justice and appropriate growth. We support fiscal responsibility as it relates to public spending, infrastructure investment, economic and job development, and long term planning.
WE believe it is our responsibility to care for and preserve our environment while recognizing the necessary balance with economic development and job growth.
WE support the preservation and enhancement of Clinton’s historical structures and areas in recognition of their contribution to our unique character.
WE support Clinton’s Plan of Conservation and Development and encourage the approval of regulations and related efforts to move the town forward while preserving that which makes us unique.
WE recognize the power and value of communication, and we pledge to provide timely updates on our Democratic initiatives and successes.
WE subscribe to the State of Connecticut and National Democratic Platforms.
Our Mission Statement:
To support the principles of the Democratic Party.
To select party endorsed candidates for municipal offices and delegates to state and district conventions of the Democratic Party of Connecticut.
To promote the candidacies of the nominees of the Democratic Party for municipal, district, state and national elective public office.
To provide for Democratic election campaigns in Clinton in support of these nominees.
To insure all Clinton Connecticut Democrats the opportunity to participate fully in the electoral process, by affording them information and assistance in the exercise of their voting rights.